[ Session 05. To Each Their Own Step, To Each Their Own Dance ] [SDF2019] To Each Their Own Step, To Each Their Own Dance 2019.10.31 15:40-16:30
AHN Eun-Me Speaker AHN Eun-Me

Modern dancer, choreographer


The dances created by AHN Eun-me are not typical. Her works bring to the stage the ordinary physical movements of daily life, as well as the history recorded in our bodies, urging viewers to discover anew the value inherent in our bodies and in the ways we move, and in the self that cannot be measured or judged by anyone else’s criteria. For years, Eun-me has devoted herself to the work of bringing dance back to the people. Her dances are also an exploration of the kind of future we should strive to build, and a testament to the philosophy of life as a dance, lived one step at a time. In this sessions, Eun-me shares her insights on living with direction and intention.