Being Intelligent :
The Next Digital Evolution Smart Devices, Robotics and the Future

Date : 2006. 05. 24~26 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea

Meet our speakers, who are active leaders in the T.I.M.E. (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment) areas.

Jonathan S. Landreth Jonathan S. Landreth

Beijing Bureau Chief, The Hollywood Reporter, U.S.

Jonathan S. Landreth has been the Beijing Bureau Chief of the Hollywood Reporter, a worldwide entertainment industry newspaper since March 2005.

Prior to joining the Hollywood Reporter, Mr. Landreth was employed with Reuters, where he was the Energy Correspondent, covering Asian oil markets, Pan-Asia energy trends and shipping, and the Equities Reporter on U.S. energy and health sectors, and general news reporter in New York City post-September 11, 2001. Mr. Landreth was the Executive Business Editor at, a New York City-based Internet media startup and was the Beijing stringer for the South China Morning Post. Previously, Mr. Landreth was the Beijing writer for Beijing Scene, an English-language art weekly, and was also the Associate Editor of non-fiction books at Henry Holt and Company, Inc., a private German publisher in New York City.

Mr. Landreth earned a BA in English Literature from University of California, Berkeley and an MS from the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University in 1999.