Explore T.I.M.E, Space and Beyond

Date : 2008. 05. 06~08 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea

Meet our speakers, who are active leaders in the T.I.M.E. (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment) areas.

James Powderly James Powderly

Co-founder, Graffiti Research Lab

James Powderly started his journey back in 1976. He has been making creative technologies and media at the fringes of robotics, graffiti, tattoos, chemistry and rock n roll, since 1991. Before that he rode around on a skateboard. More recently, James was a Research Fellow in the Eyebeam R&D OpenLab developing open source tools for graffiti artists, activists and pranksters. Prior to coming to Eyebeam, he was an engineer and the Director of Technology Development at Honeybee Robotics, a Manhattan-based NASA contractor. He was a part of the team that developed and operated the Mars Exploration Rover's Rock Abrasion Tool and built a wall drilling robot for Diller + Scofidio's retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art. For his own art and research, James has been awarded a few grants, fellowships and commissions, including an Award of Distinction in 2006 from Ars Electronica for co-founding the Graffiti Research Lab.

His projects have been featured in publications around the world, like the New York Times, Time Magazine, Time Asia, The Taipei Times, Wired, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Correire Della Serra,, and on the front page of YouTube. His projects can be found in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the Tate Modern in London and at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008. But you can find his work for free year-round on the web, forever on the surface of Mars and on other people's property all over the world. James lives in the County of Kings and teaches at the Communication Design and Technology Department at Parsons the New School for Design in Manhattan. He is the co-founder and Research Director at the Free Art and Technology (F.A.T) Lab in Brooklyn.

The Graffiti Research Lab is dedicated to outfitting graffiti writers, artists, pranksters and
protesters with open source tools for urban communication. The goal of the G.R.L. is to
technologically empower individuals to creatively alter their surroundings on the scale of
advertisers, corporations and the state in order to reclaim public space from both
authoritarian and consumer cultures. GRL Weapons of Mass Defacement (WMDs)
are the result of numerous grants and awards from rogue governments and art organizations.
They have shown their work all over the world and will be featured in the Museum of Modern Art

in New York City, the Tate Modern in London and the National Art Museum in Beijing in 2008.
Their first documentary video, "GRL: The Complete First Season", recently premiered at the
Sundance Film Festival. More importantly, thousands of ubiquitous, clandestine agents have been trained, via the web, to use GRL tools and techniques to create their own public interventions all over the world. Graffiti Research Lab splinter cells have formed in Amsterdam, Vienna, Barcelona, Toronto, Tijuana, Hong Kong, Taipei, Minneapolis and Australia. Most recently, The GRL is honored to be New York's elected representative in the United States Department of Homeland Graffiti. The GRL is a Free Art and Technology(F.A.T.) production headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.