Explore T.I.M.E, Space and Beyond

Date : 2008. 05. 06~08 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea
Privatizing Space Exploration


Visionaries :
 - Hong-Yul Paik [President, Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)]
 - Ann Druyan [Co-writer of Emmy Award-Winning Series, “Cosmos” / CEO, Cosmos Studios]
 - Scott Hubbard [Professor, Stanford University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics]
 - Xavier Claramunt [Founding Director, Galactic Suite]

Symposiarch : Paul Eckert [International and Commercial Strategist, The Boeing Company, IDS, Space Exploration]

World leaders and visionaries are using their financial resources to take spacediscovery and tourism to a whole new height.