STORY - A New Chapter

Date : 2009. 05. 27~28 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea

Meet our speakers, who are active leaders in the T.I.M.E. (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment) areas.

Hung-Wei Huang Hung-Wei Huang

Viola Principal, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

Born in Taipei, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Principal Violist Huang, Hung-Wei has performed as a soloist and chamber at prestigious venues including Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center and at the Marlboro Music Festival. In 2002, at the age of 23, he became the youngest Principal Viola of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2005, he was appointed by Maestro Chung Myung-Whun as the Principal viola of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.

Solo appearances include with the Taiwan Writer's and Artist's Association Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and The Sejong Soloist Chamber Orchestra. Many distinguished musicians he has worked and performed with include Felix Galimir, Mitsuko Uchida, Paula Robinson, Gary Hoffman and members of the Guarneri, Juilliard and Orion String Quartets.

Huang began his music lessons at the age of seven, with Lin Chia-zong, and won the Taiwan National Instrumental Competition in 1993. The following year, he was accepted at The Curtis Institute of Music on the Louisa Knapp Curtis Fellowship, serving as Principal Viola of the Curtis Symphony Orchestra and studying with Michael Tree, Joseph de Pasquale and Karen Tuttle. He then received the Walter W. Naumberg Scholarship to The Juilliard School, working with Samuel Rhodes. At the Mannes College of Music on a full scholarship, he studied with Huang Hsin-yun and received the most distinguished student award.