STORY - A New Chapter

Date : 2009. 05. 27~28 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea
International Relations : Asia without America - 'Rise of the Rest'


Visionaries :
 - Nayan Chanda [Director of Publications & the Editor of YaleGlobal Online]
 - Takashi Inoguchi [President, University of Niigata Prefecture, Japan]
 - T.J. Pempel [Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley]
 - Hitoshi Tanaka [Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange]
 - Yan, Xuetong [Director, Institute of International Studies, Tsinghua University, China]

Symposiarch :
 - Chung-In Moon [Professor of Political Science, Yonsei University / Editor-in-Chief, Global Asia]

American hegemonic leadership has played a vital role in shaping regional security and economic order in Asia for the past six decades. Yet the projected relative decline in American power following the ‘rise of the rest’ portends a new political, economic, and strategic terrain. - Is the perceived waning in American influence in the coming decades reality or fiction? Is the ‘rise of the rest’ in Asia real or contrived? - Is American disengagement from Asia conceivable? If so, under what conditions and in what manner? If not, how will American engagement in the region be refashioned?