STORY - A New Chapter

Date : 2009. 05. 27~28 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea
Media : Older Gets Newer


Visionaries :
 - Eric Rollman [President, Marvel Animation]
 - Joachim Schmaltz [Vice President & Director, Reuters Media, Asia]
 - Clay Shirky [Professor, Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York University]
 - Bernard Spitz [CEO, BSConseil]

Symposiarch : Joong-Seek Lee [Professor, Department of Digital Contents Convergence, Seoul National University]

The media world must seek out a new set of norms as it is constantly redefined by the flood of ‘newer’ players and technologies.
Amidst this wave of challenges coming from countless variations on the ‘medium,’ what defines old and new in the media world and who holds the key to open the new era of multimedia storytelling?

- How ‘new’ can the ‘old’ media be?
- Being integrated and interdependent, how may old and new media benefit from working together?
- Powered by digital technologies, what narrative forms and/or storytelling techniques are the old and new media enriching?
- How do these forms and techniques lend fresh creativity and imagination to artists and the public?