Into a Shared Future

Date : 2011. 05. 25~27 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea
A Choir to Remember : Being One, Being Connected


Visionary : Eric WHITACRE [Composer and Conductor, The Virtual Choir]

In our newfound hyperconnected reality, we are finding ourselves having to redefine the term ‘relationship’.
Technology has provided more and more opportunities to communicate and collaborate with others, regardless of geographical distance.
Yet just like in the real world, virtual connectivity cannot take root without the essential elements that shape what it means to be human and allow for the creation of truly intimate bonds between individuals.
The Virtual Choir shows that such virtual relationships - once they are formed from common and shared goals and experiences - will grow naturally, no matter the environment.
Orchestrating a heavenly harmony of over 2,000 voices from 58 countries, Eric Whitacre composes his stories into the dream of being connected and being one, addressing what the nature of this virtual esprit de corps is and how we may leverage this inspirational endeavor in order to engage with each other more meaningfully.