Coexistence - Technology, Humanity and Great Hope for the Future

Date : 2012. 05. 22~24 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea
Appropriate Technology : Simplicity Brings Hope to the Digital Age


Visionary :
 - Paul POLAK [CEO Windhorse International / Founder, International Development Enterprises (IDE)]
 - Young-Je Yoo [Professor, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University / President, Scientists and Engineers Without Borders]

Symposiarch :
 - Soo Y. Chang [Professor, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH / Codirector, Sharing and Technologies Incorporated]

Are innovations in science and technology only destined to be faster, more complex and capital-intensive?
In this transition period into the smart era, a chunk of the newest and fanciest technologies often go astray having failed to find their purpose or utility. Amidst the reflections on what technology is and should be for, "appropriate technology" is receiving renewed attention with its virtue of simple functionality and life-enhancing purposes. How can appropriate technology rectify its image as "inferior" or "low-quality" equipment designed only for the poor?
What are the current and chronic limitations that it has to overcome to be taken as an eco-friendly and human-centric alternative also valid for developed countries?