Coexistence - Technology, Humanity and Great Hope for the Future

Date : 2012. 05. 22~24 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea
Mixed Reality : Beyond the Real-Virtual Dichotomy, Expanding Human Potentials


Visionary :
 - Adrian D. CHEOK [Professor, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University / Director, Mixed Reality Lab, National University of Singapore],
 - Howard CHARNEY [Senior Vice President, Office of the President, Cisco],
 - Genevieve BELL [Director, Interactions and Experience Research, Intel Labs, INTEL]

Symposiarch : Woon-Tack Woo [Professor, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST]

The scope and reach of human influence is being extended. The new generation of mixed reality technologies is merging the real and the virtual, making possible simultaneous interactions between the two worlds. With its limitations in interface design and accessibility being mitigated, mixed reality is making tangible contributions to expanding the human potential in an increasing number of practical fields including healthcare, education, training and media by lowering spatiotemporal barriers. With the real and the virtual coming to coexist and be increasingly interfused, what kinds of benefits and obstacles lie in store for us?