Conscious Curiosity
Searching for the Next Breakthrough

Date : 2015. 05. 20~21 / Location : DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza)
Customized Wedding Rings to Artificial Limbs :
3D Printing, Power & Responsibility


Visionary : Charlie Maddock

Customized Wedding Rings to Artificial Limbs :
3D Printing, Power & Responsibility

The 3D Printing revolution has only just begun. After refining the technology for decades, we now have the responsibility to make people's lives better because of it. After spending time in a coma with half of his skull temporarily removed Charlie Maddock founded a non-profit, mobilized young people to raise over half a million dollars and became the Director of Business Development at Shapeways creating partnerships with Google, Hasbro, Victoria’s Secret, and Adobe among others. Charlie tells us how we can utilize 3D printing to make us all more innovative, stronger and generally content people.