The Beginning of Change :
Is that REALLY what you think?

Date : 2019. 10. 31 / Location : DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza) SDF 2019 Official Website
[SDF2019] The Courageous Lawmakers / KEUM Tae-Sup, KIM Hyun-Ah, JI Sang-Wuk, LEE Jeong-Mi


JI Sang-Wuk, KEUM Tae-Sup, KIM Hyun-Ah, LEE Jeong-Mi

The Korean National Assembly building in Yeouido has become a symbol of a divided Korean society ? a place where everyone has much to say but little resolve to listen and hear each other out. In this session, four lawmakers share their stories about the bold steps they are taking to bring genuine dialogue back to the Korean legislature.