The World We've Never Experienced :
New Ways to Survive

Date : 2020. 10. 30 / Location : Virtual face-to-face-format SDF 2020 Official Website

Meet our speakers, who are active leaders in the T.I.M.E. (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment) areas.

JEON Chi Hyung JEON Chi Hyung

Professor, Graduate School of Science, Technology, & Policy, KAIST, Researcher, Center for Anthropocene Studies, KAIST, Author of 『The Role of Humans: Getting to the Heart of Science』

JEON Chi Hyung majored in science and technology studies, which looks at the intersections between society and the field of science and technology. His area of interest is the effect of the emergence of AI, robots, and other “human-like” technology on the human identity and human relationships. In his view, it is problematic to allow our anticipation or fear of such technology to have excessive influence on our thoughts about our future as humans. Recently, as a researcher at the Center for Anthropocene Studies at KAIST, he has been exploring and observing how people, nature, and technology and the ties among us can create new spaces for living, focusing on “air relation” as a key idea. His research examines the role of science and technology in a world where the air we breathe is different depending on who we are and where we live.