Fifty Million Voices
Searching for a Conductor

Date : 2021. 11. 18 / Location : Virtual face-to-face-format SDF 2021 Official Website

Meet our speakers, who are active leaders in the T.I.M.E. (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment) areas.

KIM So-won KIM So-won

SBS Announcer

The Korean proverb “Many hands will row the boat up the mountain” apparently has a different meaning in Turkey. According to the Turkish interpretation, with enough hands – that is, enough people – working together, even a boat can be physically carried up a mountain. I smiled in amusement the first time I heard this, but then I was reminded of the boats said to have been carried across dry land in the Ottoman Turks’ siege of Constantinople, crossing over mountains to reach the Golden Horn. That’s right, I thought to myself, when there are no answers, or no clear next steps, it’s up to leaders to rally their followers, even if that means carrying your boat up a mountain. But this is an idea of leadership that is thoroughly challenged by the theme of this year’s SDF: Fifty Million Voices Searching for a Conductor. Every year, SDF has shined a light on our present and our future as a society. This year, ahead of the presidential elections in Korea, the focus is on leadership. What kind of leadership will be able to give ear to all of our voices? SDF will be a chance for us to imagine together where our ship, the Republic of Korea, is headed. As an announcer for 26 years and counting and host of 12 O’clock News, SBS Newstory, and Connect! Movie World, I am honored to once again be a part of SDF. I know the dialogue that unfolds at SDF this year will be especially relevant to all of us.