Fifty Million Voices
Searching for a Conductor

Date : 2021. 11. 18 / Location : Virtual face-to-face-format SDF 2021 Official Website

Meet our speakers, who are active leaders in the T.I.M.E. (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment) areas.

Joseph Samuel Nye Jr. Joseph Samuel Nye Jr.

University Distinguished Service Professor of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University

former Deputy Under Secretary of State
former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, named one of Foreign Policy’s 100 Leading Global Thinkers

The unprecedented crises of the coronavirus pandemic and imminent climate risks have given rise to widespread uncertainty in our world today. In such conditions, what kind of leader and what kind of leadership do our societies need? What qualities must global leaders possess?
In this session, we engage with the internationally renowned scholar of global politics and leadership studies Professor Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr., who introduced the concept of soft power, on the question of the conditions for leadership in our times.