[ Session 01. How Connected Individuals are Changing the World ] [SDF2018] A new common sense : democratization in daily life 2018.11.02 09:15-10:00
JOO Sung-Soo Speaker JOO Sung-Soo

PhD in political studies Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, Hanyang University and Director of the Third Sector Institute based at Hanyang University


What makes the changes shaping civil society today unique, and what is driving them? How are individuals today, increasingly interconnected through technological advancements, changing the world? How have the candlelight rallies, as the movement that provided the impetus for the impeachment of a sitting president, affected individuals in Korean society? This session examines the transformation of civil society through the lens of politics, society, and media, focusing on the impact of the #MeToo movement and other efforts to expose deep-rooted power imbalances and the violence they engender, and considers the changes that must be collectively pursued.

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