Rewriting the Economic Paradigm in the Age of AI

Date : 2023. 11. 02 / Location : Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), Seoul SDF 2023 Official Website

Rewriting the Economic Paradigm in the Age of AI

In the face of multiple intersecting crises
the rules of living and making a living have changed.

The former free trade-driven global order, underpinned by the idea that anyone can be a friend for the right economic benefits, has collapsed. Under the emerging New Cold War order, everyone must choose a side, even ? or especially ? when it comes to matters of the economy. Meanwhile, a massive wave of yet more change looms in the form of climate change countermeasures such as RE100, the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, all with profound economic implications.

Generative AI has made inroads into our day to day,
heralding profound transformation

Generative AI has solidly entered into the realm of our everyday lives, casting a shadow on the future of work for highly educated workers in high-income professions, particularly those requiring human creativity. Promises that have been upheld by mutual agreement ? that is, the so-called “rules of thegame” ? are being rewritten before our very eyes. If the economic crises of the past were tidal waves, experts warn, today’s situation would be best described as a foundational shift in the ocean’s currents.

Seeking a new calculus for growth, distribution, and regulation

In an age of technopolitics, where global political dynamics are being shaped by the contest for technological supremacy, what are the key challenges that must be addressed to discover new drivers of growth?

What laws and institutions must be changed in order to enable survival in an evolving economic order, and how must we each ready ourselves?

We hope you will join us as we come together to engage in thoughtful deliberation and pool our wisdom and collective insights on how we as individuals can exercise our agency to stand shoulder to shoulder in this unprecedented time of transformation, making our way forward together and ensuring none are left behind.