How to be brave - Rose McGowan
Introducing Our SDF2018 Speakers
These stories highlight the importance of every individual's right to be respected.
We ask the world's leading data expert what the Big Data era holds, and how we should prepare.
We hear from one company that is making efforts for innovation in its corporate culture as well as its relationship to its consumers.
We hear the perspectives of diverse individuals who helped bring about the enactment of the Japanese law against hate speech.
Sometimes music resounds more powerfully than our words.
How the cultural sector is being changed as individuals discover and help nurture the talent of others.
"미투는 과거와 미래의 싸움"…다시 용기 낸 주인공들 SBS의 글로벌 지식 나눔 포럼인 'SBS D 포럼'이 '새로운 상식, 개인이 바꾸는 세상'이라는 주제로 열렸습니다.
"정치민주화→생활민주화 과정"…개인이 끌어낸 변혁 이번 SBS D 포럼에서는 개인의 참여가 사회의 근본적 변혁으로 이어진 사례가 많이 소개됐습니다.